May 23, 2008 17:38
was fantastic haha. and moreso, some parts were unbelievable.
i <3 friends.
i do not want to work today. all i remember is 4 pitchers between me, courtney and meg, and 1 massive mug purchased for me by chris. and meg losing her cell somewhere. and the vomit comet. and domers.
you know it's been a good one when even after ALL that you are still not falling over drunk, and you are in fact conscious enough to stalk your waaaaaay more drunken dutch friend to make sure he gets home without a) passing out on the ground or b) killing himself. yup, i truly am a great friend. also, martin is a great friend for helping me stalk said dutch boy all the way up into the north york i would have got really fuckin lost if i had to do it myself. oh chris, canada won't forget you.
i should prob start getting ready for work. ughhhh i would rather just stay in beeeedddddddddd.....