Come Play With Me, or, How to Get Even More Obsessed with BSG Fandom!

Mar 14, 2014 15:55

What did I expect when I came to a fandom 11 years late? Certainly not the warm, wonderful welcome I've gotten or the multitude of opportunities to play around with awesome people, talking, writing, and creating around our favorite show and characters. I'm grateful for both and excited (ok, and a little overwhelmed) by all the things I've signed up for/am taking part in this spring:

First, the twelvecolonies land comm is still taking applications here -- Go Team Colonial One! -- and if you do decide to come join us please mention you joined because this ever so very compelling promo post tugged on your heartstrings and you just HAD to sign up. (READ: because I get points and I'm already behind due to my complete inability to make a header without dissolving into season four Kara, holding a gun on my computer and screaming, "why won't you lighten that waaaaay?!")

Secondly, you have until March 15th to sign up for the SIXTH bsg-remix and this time it's a duello, meaning you get to choose two or three stories you'd like to have remixed. I've never done this before and am part excited, part terrified and can't wait to get started!

Finally, there was an amazing multi-ship war over at bsg-epics this past weekend that netted some really interesting (ok, some strange) pairings and some really funny, heartwarming, and hot new fic! You have until Sunday to VOTE for your favorites. Check out all the stories here and leave the authors some love!

bsg, not fic, moddy post

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