I can't take it anymore!

May 11, 2005 13:32

Home isn't the best place for me right now. I'm getting really really mad at my parents. i've never been this angry with them before... My mom is being so controlling. She keeps getting mad at me when I dont do what she wants me to do. Like she wants me to go play with my little cousins who are 4 and 6. I'm like "No, I'm 20 years old, they can play by themselves" and then she gets disappointed and thinks I'm not spending enough time with the family. I was gone for an entire year... Why do I have to be here every single day? And my dad is an asshole as usual. Thats all I've got to say about that.
My days with Eric are still great as ever! i'm having so much fun with him. I just wish it was fall already so we can be together and not be around my stupid parents. I don't know what their deal is. They are being really rude towards Eric and it's pissing me off. I know that hes me Boyfriend and that we are evil sinners in society, but my god, I'm their son and I'm happy! So just fucking accept me and stop treating me like a child that is doing something wrong! Cant hey just open their minds a little bit and stop fussing about every little retarded detail!

OMG I'm going to freaking explode!!!! Someone take me away please!

Anywhoo, i'm tired and I am just making myself even more pissed. so goodbye
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