Title: Keeping the Deal
immortal_jedi Wordcount: 1002
Rating: PG
Characters: Bobby and Crowley
Warnings: Crowley being Crowley, which I suppose is a warning in and of itself.
Summary: Crowley keeps his deal with Bobby.
Spoilers/Warning: All five seasons, none for season six.
AN: This is a story in my
Heaven, Hell, and a Mechanic verse. It helps to have read the other parts, but they're not necessary. All you really need to know is that, in this universe, Sam is Lord of Hell, Castiel is an archangel and is keeping order in heaven, and Dean is a mechanic. Yeah. It’s a bit of a crack series, but its fun (and has a lot less angst than the show). This is the only story so far to feature Bobby, and I thought you all would like it.
Keeping the Deal: