Title: Soulless Justice
moviegeek03 Rating: pg-13 for some violence and language
Warnings: Spoilers for season 6
Word Count: ~2700
Summary: When Castiel calls, Dean leaves a very tense Bobby with Sam in hopes the two will talk things out. A hunter seeking revenge just might make Bobby put his anger aside…Set after 6x11. Hurt!Sam, Protective!Bobby, Dean, and Cas.
A/N: Sorry for the wait, but my laptop had to be sent off for repairs during the week I had planned on getting this finished. Oh, well...Hope you enjoy despite the wait :D
“No! Get away! Stop!!!” The screams rang from the panic room and rose up through the floorboards, startling Sam back into consciousness. He tried to sit up in the bed, but his injuries flared with pain, forcing a scream of his own out from his throat.