Memorials accepted...

Apr 20, 2011 20:12


Muse, Libi's ancient 1st gen 20G iPod Classic, died last night, suddenly and without warning. It was Libi's longtime companion and accompanied her everywhere. Although it lived a long, successful life containing everything from lullabies for the grand kid, Yo-Yo Ma on the cello, to Muse (not Watson, the band not the actor, but how great would that be?) to Prokofiev, Ween, and everything in between; she of course is devastated.

CPR was unsuccessful and the iPod Dr declared it no-worky. Workbench services were held last evening accompanied by ranting of no-worky things, wailing of "Why! Why! Why" and "Work Damn You, WORK", and general banging of no-worky things on the desk. (in retaliation for no-worky which, hello?, violence and technology do not mix.

Reasons why Libi does not like DK's iPod nano that she can use whenever she wants because she bought it for him for Christmas and he NEVER uses it. Ever.

A) It doesn't have a name.  If I have to name it I will got with not!Muse as it is totally uninspiring.

B) not!Muse is nekked and not in a good way.  Muse has a very cool and styling lime green jacket with matching ear buds.  The jacket will not fit not!Muse, the earbuds will but it is uncool and completely clashes with my sense of non-style.

C)not!Muse does not hold as much as Muse (nano vs Classic). That means he is not as well rounded as Muse and eclectic.  Muse held everything and anything.

D) not!Muse cannot multitask like Muse could.  not!Muse cannot be charging and have earbuds connected at the same time, the ports are on top of each other.  This is a problem since I road trip a ton. not!Muse has less battery life than Muse so it requires being plugged in to the charger .

E) not!Muse is not Muse.  That's the biggest reason I don't like him.

sadness, rant, no-worky things

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