Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2013 23:11

I want to wish everyone a healthy and prosperous New Year. Let's hope 2014 is better than the last.

Hubs and I have spent the evening watching the Twilight Zone marathon on SyFy. The one episode that really struck me this evening has Burgis Meredith as a Librarian, libraries outlawed, Bible, literature, poetry have been declared a waste of the State's time & money. Librarian is to be 'liquidated', terminated, at his choice of method within a set period of time. He traps an Official into facing death with him while he reads his Bible, and in the end, the Chancellor begs in the name of God to be freed. The Librarian releases him in the name of God just before a bomb went off, only for the Chancellor to be declared obsolete for conduct unbecoming an officer of the State.

It just reminded me why I love TZ. Every episode dealt with the foibles of man and how it is in our general human nature to screw shit up.

And also, Twilight Zone was creepy as fuck.

must see tv, classics

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