Weekend in review...

Dec 30, 2013 22:31

This weekend was a mixed bag that started with a whimper, a nice bang in the middle, and ended with a whimper.

Friday almost screwed up my entire weekend. I left work at noon to do some Conservatorship business that should have only taken an hour, but ended up being at the bank for four,   ~FOUR~ freaking hours.  Let's just say that we are not anywhere close to being finished with it and it will in all likelihood  be screwed six ways to Sunday for the.  By the time we got home it was after 8 and I was wiped out.

Saturday saw me up at o'butt thirty to see the wonderful cackymn_lj for a much needed, very relaxing day. Because I was pretty early, I stopped in Blue Earth to have breakfast with my second younger sister and nephew. Food wasn't that great but the company was fantastic. Cacky and I had an awesome day loitering at a coffee shop, followed by a brief stop at the Wells Fargo Bank designed by Louis Sullivan that was just gorgeous, google it and have a look--it's astounding. We made a stop at a book store for what seemed like hours, then had lunch at an amazing Japanese/Thai place.  The chicken curry was fantastic.  I stopped for fuel at a station in Fairmont and picked up a Kashi bar, drove home into a winter storm that consisted of snow and blowing snow but made it home safely and in one piece.

Sunday morning I woke up feeling very wonky. Stumbled out to the living room where DH said, "Jesus Christ! Who did you get into a fight with." My entire face was swollen at least double, with swollen tongue, bleeding gums, raw mouth, and split lips. I sent hubs on a run for Benadryl and Vaseline for my lips and I might have over-medicated just a >smidge<.

Today I was still pretty damned swollen and went to the clinic where I got a nice little script for steroids and to continue on with the Benadryl, but at the recommended daily dosage not at three hour intervals, and recommendation to continue the Vaseline on my split lips because it is the most pure. She says without further testing all she can do is guess, but guesses my allergic reaction is from the chocolate in the Kashi bar and the coconut milk in the curry.  So I'm back to the absolutely NO chocolate rule and will avoid coconut for a while.

I've taken two doses of steroids and already I feel better. Swelling is going down everywhere and my lips and tongue don't hurt as much.

Now I cannot wait until March for the Fangirl retreat.

sick!me, life

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