Jan 14, 2022 10:00
Bad ice storm is hitting us on Sunday OR it's just going to be a bit of chilly rain. Who knows? I've decided to join the herd running to the store anyway. I actually do need bread, milk, and eggs! And maybe a few cans of soup. I always give all my canned supplies away to food drives during the holidays so I need to rebuild. Also, the cold/flu section has become very skimpy since Omicron arrived (luckily I already had what I needed for my miserable cold) so I've ordered huge bottles of meds on Amazon and they arrived yesterday.
I'm ready! Disaster prep is fun and I'm going to enjoy eating snacks and watching the frustrated weather people drive around in STORM TRACKER FIVE looking for disasters.
Speaking of my cold, it's finally starting to release its kung-fu grip. I can breathe! And I can sleep. I slept like a drunken baby log last night and it was wonderful.