OK, so I'm taking this creative writing class which basically amounts to me paying a few hundred dollars to participate in a critique workshop that's less helpful that posting my stuff on FF.net ... but that's beside the point for the moment.
My problem, and I need help soon - like before this evening - is that I have to go in to class today and
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Why is Edwin Arlington Robinson's poem, "Richard Cory" studied in lit classes and this piece of crap poem would not be? Cory pulls the ultimate emo and shoots himself by the end of the poem, but it's that one last line. The rest of the poem is building up Cory as a person, how rich he is, how respected he is and ultimately how hollow that existence is. It's unexpected and more effective than hammering through an entire poem of Jack wah-wah-wah.
Or maybe just the fact that both characters in the poem are completely dispicable. Jack's a drugged out knucklehead that only uses this chick for sex and she's inexplicably stupid enough to let him do so. Could be interesting if we were provided with any sort of motivation and actually gave a crap about the characters. But we don't. At least, I don't.
Maybe some of the other students will have something to say. There's usually one blowhard in the class (like me) that won't care about hurting someone's feelings or maybe the prof will say something first. Or even better, let the author talk first. Let him try to explain and justify, because sometimes that'll give you more to work with.
The other unfortunate thing is that the 'structure' of this class is that the author has to sit, without comment, while we all talk about his work.
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