Apr 06, 2005 22:27
this week has been crazy. between projects and other homework and play practice and working out and prom committee stuff and a buttload of other random crap, i’ve been pretty stressed. AP chemistry is KILLING ME. i feel so ignorant every time i walk out of that class. to think we have the AP test in a month freaks me out. = O it was definitely a mistake to take that class, but i love vernon to death!!
the rest of my spring break (since i last updated) was crazy awesome! the longest i was apart from my peeps at a time was like less than 10 hours. =) much much fun, although i did miss britt, lauren, and taylor a whole lot. = ( i couldn’t believe that we only had play practice once the entire break (that first friday). as nice as it was to have a break, i am seriously getting stressed out about the show…it is in 3 and a half weeks!!!! i feel like we aren’t even halfway ready…but i guess its just because i don’t have to be at a lot of the rehearsals. me and matt actually ran lines like good little theater geeks over break…but we still have a ton of work to do! (shoutouts to catherine, mitchell, and matt for rehearsal yesterday…the name’s pat. pat macroch. hahahaha)
i was so proud of myself today because i definitely pushed 260 pounds with my legs at the gym. (yes, i am a beast. woot woot. =) ) then it was off to checkerboard for dinner, and home to do AP work with amanda. (what would i do without you?!) now i’m going to go study for a 60 question test that i will most likely fail tomorrow, and go to sleep. sweet dreams. <3