Aug 18, 2005 12:31
I went out for a lunch meeting yesterday and was promised a buffet lunch at the meeting. Martin and I discussed the possible food options prior to the meeting and agreed that there would be something with noodles, something with rice and something deep-fried. We were right on all counts - the food on offer at meetings like these seem to be very predictable. However what is not predictable are the ingredients - I had the misfortune of biting into a large mouthful of noodles and discovering they had chopped up bits of chillies in them. Of course there is no way you can spit out your mouthful and start screaming for water (or any liquid for that matter!) in the middle of a business meeting so I was forced to finish my mouthful. Not a pleasant experience at all.
No lunch meetings today - just a fax cartridge that needed replacing and left semi-permanent black marks all over my hands…