The Simpsons, Democracy and the Great Firewall

Aug 15, 2006 04:08

1. Hilarious Simpsons episode on China. Synopsis here.

2. I haven't been able to access Singapore-based Straits Times all day.
Turns out this was the reason!

A test with other major Singapore news portals shows Singapore's largest Chinese language daily,
Lianhe Zaobao and (operated by Singapore Press Holdings
which owns both papers) have been banned too. Today remains live though.

[Lianhe Zaobao is incidentally the only foreign-owned Chinese language allowed to circulate
in China. In fact, many Chinese were turning to it 4 years ago during the big SARS cover-up.]

3. Some good news though. Blogspot is now accessible! But only God knows for how long.

simpsons, democracy, china, internet, firewall

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