Everyone makes in impact on our earth

Jul 07, 2006 20:08

If you love the earth...then you best keep reading!!!

So, as we all know it is summer.  That means many people have loads upon loads of free time.  Well, if I were you I would be getting my butt to the movie theaters to see AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH.  It is a movie about global warming and how citizens of the U.S. can start contributing to the movement to stop global warming.  We are the largest contributers to CO2 in the atomosphere.  Go see the movie and buy the book.  Do whatever you can to help.  It is so easy.  All we have to do is recognize that it is a large problem and getting even bigger.  Then, if we don't start darastically changing the way we live our lives then the beautiful things you see today will soon be gone.  DO SOMETHING.  Get involved.  We need to stop being ignorant Americans and see past all of our luxuries in life to help stop the problem.  Don't drive as much, buy hybrids, change all the light bulbs in your house to compact flourescent, use low-flow shower heads, plant a tree (no plant 50), go see the movie, start demanding changes from our government, don't elect another president who only cares about the economy instead of caring about the enviroment, and don't forget that we are able to change things!!!

written with love by kristen lee
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