May 04, 2005 16:59
Monotony. But have no fear. It is soon to end as we all venture forth into the summer months of freedom. Well, I am certainly not going to be free, due to the fact that I will most likely be working every waking minute. But that's quite alright. I'll be rich.
The other day my mother called and asked if I wanted to stay at the beach for the week of July 4th in a cottage next to my grandmother's. I was so estatic. The Silver Family hasn't had a vacation in...God I don't even remember how long its been. But I have always loved the week that we spend at the beach. We used to rent those cottages years ago. And they made for a memorable vacation. So, my plan is to go to the beach, get up early mornings and go for a long peaceful walk, lay out and swim during the days, another amazing walk by night, and do whatever else I can find to do. My mother wants to take one day and go to the isles of shole. I'm all for that. I also plan on heading down to the beach late at night with my sister and dogs to just run around like crazy or go for a late night swim. I want to go out for breakfast at beachfront restaurant and somehow arrange a family clamb bake. My family is huge...and spread that might be difficult. But I put nothing past me. I can do it.
There is nothing I love more than a long stroll down the beach. It's amazing. My thoughts are my own, and I'm locked away in my own world as I stare out over the waves rolling in. There is nothing more beautiful than the sun setting or rising over the ocean. Time seems to freeze and possibilities are endless. When I get old (which will never happen) but if I ever do, I plan on moving to the beach to live out the rest of my days. I'm going to have to be rich. Luckily...I will be.
Ok. Well...I have quite the night ahead of me. Sheesh. Wish me luck. Enjoy the weather. Adios.