My weekend

Mar 20, 2004 16:48

Well this weekend has been wonderful. I have spent so much time alone. I have been thinking, praying, reading, watching movies, taking long walks around campus, eating some good food. I feel great. I mean...I still have so much to do. I still have to sit down and correct an essay for FRS, and concquer the vast and challenging world of music theory. But, its all going to be fine. Eventually I will get it all done. One day I will be able to spat off music theory facts without even thinking. Its all in the timing.

During this weekend I had a lot of time to think about my life. I spent so much time questioning myself. I feel as if I'm in a race against time. How am I going to make these dreams come true before my time is up. It just seems like an impossible mountain to climb. I fill my days, tight, jam packed. I never get enough sleep and I never give myself time to sit back and enjoy life. I threw myself back into that schedule...into that marathon. The last year was wonderful. I enjoyed myself...found love (or so I thought)...took all the time in the world to be myself (or somebody else for someone else-don't ever do that)...but now I'm making up for lost time. I just need to take a moment and say...Whoa...its all going to work out in the end.

I feel as if I'm holding onto my career by a string. Its there....but not really. You know what I mean. Its like...last year, I was on this cliff holding onto this huge dream. But accident, I let the dream slip. I let it fall. I jumped after it and it took a year to finally touch the string as we both took the fall to forgetting. But I have the string. Its just lifting that huge dream back up on top of my shoulders-that's the tough part. So...still...much to do. Crazy.

I'm out.
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