Title: Five Names Ryo Calls Ueda (While they're Having Sex)
Pairing(s): Ryo/Ueda
Rating: R
Word Count: 510
Summary: "You're on the bottom because I don't want to see any fucking fairies."
Notes: Yeah.
Original post. 1.
"If you want your fucking belt back, you're going to have to take this, Princess," growls Ryo, yanking something long and shiny off the top of his pile of clothes. "Yeah--good girl," he smirks, taking the object in one hand and going straight for his zipper with the other.
"Princess--is--not--!" Ueda gasps, taking a corner of the pillow in his teeth and biting hard, "It's not--I swear, Nishikido, if you do that again--and I'm not a girl--"
"Yes, you are--and if I do what again, Princess?" Ryo asks silkily, coming up behind Ueda all slowly and hot and holding a leather belt, "Tell me what, Princess...do you mean this?"
If he hadn't been gritting his teeth against a pillowcase, Ueda is sure he wouldn't have a tongue anymore.
Ueda asks time and time again why he has to bottom, because maybe if he just had a chance to try he'd be pretty good at topping.
"You're on the bottom," Ryo says, sighing and rolling his eyes, "because I don't want to see any fucking fairies while we're--you know. I can only imagine how distracting that would be."
"I don't see fairies while--! Ow!"
"Moorchild. Changeling. Yes, you do."
"Ow! No, I don--fuck you," Ueda spits out. "Do that again."
"I'm kinda tired today, and your face is pissing me off. You wanna take my place, Tatchan?"
"No." Ueda blinks. "Wait, what?"
One night, Ueda's on top when Ryo suddenly brings him down, pulling gently on the sides of his hair, and kisses him. That's never happened before, and it makes a shocked Ueda stop doing what he's doing, if only for a few minutes until Ryo says he's not doing much of a good job, and really, Ueda was never one to look uncool in any situation.
"Next time, we're reverting back to how it used to be," Ryo huffs afterwards. "You suck."
"I like it, though," Ueda mumbles, trying to sound angry and failing. "You don't do much on the bottom, and it hurts less."
Ryo doesn't answer, only says, "You're such a pussy, go sleep on the couch," and turns away.
It's the next time and just like the promise was they're back to their original positions, only there's no biting and growling and hissing, which is strange. And when Ryo is there, right there, and Ueda is too caught up in it to say anything, he only hears Ryo call his name very quietly and then there's shaking and Ueda, poor Ueda doesn't really know what to do, so he kisses Ryo, just like last time, until there's nothing more from the both of them.
"That was my name," says Ueda later, very sleepy and warm.
"I know it is, stupid, what else did you want me to call you--Princess, again?" Ryo yawns. "I should have known you like to be called that sort of thing."
"I don't."
"Do you want me to sleep on the couch?"