I really want to go out for coffee one sunny morning with a gorgeous guy and just get to know him. It sounds so relaxing and calming. A nice Sunday morning. Everyone just seems nice. One of those days that just go right somehow. And then after, I'd do a bit of shopping for necessary things and end up buying something really gorgeous and kind of expensive. And then I'd go back to my college dorm with some room mate that I've become very close to and talk about my day with her while she tells me hers, and then we watch some chick flick and eat popcorn and go to bed at 2am. That sounds so fun. I don't know why. Maybe it's the big picture.
haha what a load of bullshit, i love it
the most personal survey ever
Today Did You--
Talk to a boy/girl you like? I said "Hi" to him, but then school was cancelled so yeah haha
Learn anything new? That personality is everything. EVERYTHING.
Talk to an ex? Nope
Miss someone? I'd say so
-Last Person Who-
Last person you layed in bed with? Jenny lol
Made you cry? People don't make me cry, feelings make me cry
Who were you with last night? Myself & my parents
What woke you up this morning? I don't know I just kinda got up at 6 and the alarm didn't go off.
Is tomorrow going to be a good day? Yes. Yes, I foresee that it will be an excellent day =]
Did you kiss or hug anyone today? No, but I have an idea. I'm going to hug at least one person everyday and mean it sincerely.
When was the last time you cried? A while ago
Passed out because of alcohol? Never have
Who's on your mind RIGHT NOW? Many people
Whats your current mood? drained
Would you take a bullet for anyone? I hate this question. If I say yes, obviously the other person would say they'd take a bullet for me, and then we'd be like "but I don't want you to die, I'll take the bullet" and well we end up both taking the bullet (figuratively speaking) and bang we're dead. dumb question. next.
Where would you like to live? North Carolina
What do you want to be when you grow up? A musician, or a photographer
What are you doing this weekend? Singing and playing Clarinet in Williamsburg =]
What do you want to do right now? have coffee with boy
Are you listening to music right now? nope
Do you like someone right now? maybe
Whats a quote that you love? Reality was invented by people without imagination
What makes you mad? close-mindedness
What song makes you happy? I Can Tell the World
What makes you happy? Smiling people playing instruments
[Piercings:] 2
...thats it? thats where it ends?
I've decided that I'm going to hug at least one person every day and truly mean it.