Sep 22, 2009 02:58
[All you see is part of the greenhouse and Yorda's lower half, seated with her feet sole-to-sole and her toes locked between them like one would fold their fingers. One finger traces the comm and she seems thoughtful though you can't see her face.]
Word... they are strange thing, se ya? Always mean so many thing. Sound, speak, way of speak, always different.
Many person here, they say thing I do not understand. I listen, I see, I watch, and know soon that word are not just word alone. It is say thing, the voice and the word not matter so much. Word are for magic. Heart is for meaning.
This world. It is place with voice, nasan di kol. No person listen. Only fear it scream into heart of person.
Il sas, I wish to see it. To know it sound, to know it silence. To be as Nakahindas.
Apple tree is wake again.
We are have apple. I bring. Eat well. Live well.
[She's about to switch off the camera when something bug-shaped suddenly scurries over the screen]
ready to go on an adventure,
bugs are good husband material,
getting supplies,
thank you scientists,
the bug is back