Feb 26, 2008 11:17
I am so excited. I'm doing my first piece of individual choreography work for the Orchesis Dance Company at school, I've never even taken a choreography class before but all of a sudden the ideas are just pouring out of me. I've been kinda of nervous about doing it, and teaching it to fellow amazing dancers, and what they'd think, but I'm so inspired all of a sudden. I think I stopped worrying about it, and I'm just letting it come out now, and I can't write it down fast enough. The only part that sucks is that I can't sign up for space in the dance studio because it's so booked between dance classes and dance ensemble rehearsals and such, and technically we're not allowed to use it because we're a student extracurricular group. But I really need to get in there, hear the music on the loud speakers, dance it out in wide open space, because let me tell you, dancing to this stellar music in about a 4 by 5 area of space in my dorm room ain't cuttin' it anymore. Everyone seems to be really excited about my piece, I hope it comes out exactly as I envision it.
I'm pumped.