Nov 30, 2007 16:31
Let me give you a few examples here...
1) A 5 year old in Kindergarten hits the boy sitting next to him for no reason. The boy who gets hit, hits back. We tell the boy who hit back not to do it again, to try to solve the problem with words.
2) Once upon a time, Women did not have the right to vote. They rallied together, and Women today, can vote.
3) Some Women in Africa do not have resources, money, or access to birth control or abortions. They drink medical "potions" or other unsafe methods to kill the baby, possibly endangering themselves, because they can't afford another baby, but have no birth control.
4) Person A loves Person B. Person B loves Person A. Person C lives two miles away, and has never met Person A or B. What should Person C care if A and B love each other?
5) At the GOP Republican Part Debate this past week, the main topics of debate were Gay Rights and Abortion.
Here are my issues with these 5 examples...
1) Why do we tell young children that 2 wrongs don't make a right, and to solve matters with words, and then we turn around and bomb people who bomb us and keep the cycle going?
2) We have the power to change things if we care enough. It's happened all through out history and NEVER let anyone tell you any different.
3) All throughout history, women have gotten abortions. For zillions of reasons. Ancient Egyptians even used to do it...Whether it's legal or not.
4) Why are we stopping love?
5) Republicans took turns explaining their views on Gay Rights and Abortion based upon their religion. Was this country based on Separation of Church and State, or not?
This has nothing to do with Right or Wrong.
Liberal or Conservative.
White or Black.
American or non-American.
...or any more dumb labels that separate people from the fact that we are all human beings.
People have said to me, "stop trying to change things, why do you even care? People are people. They fight. They kill. They hate. Nothing will ever change, it's human nature."
You know what? I'm not trying to change human nature, people are like that. I know.
However, all I ask is that people acknowledge that human nature is destructive.
And if we all stopped and truly thought about it for one second,
1) Do we want someone hitting us back if we hit them first?
2) Should we just sit here and bitch about they way things are, if we never try to change them?
3) Should women, all over the world, be harmed, because of unwanted pregnancies, either because of politics, religion, personal beliefs, or because they physically do not have the means to do it or are not allowed, and they will attempt abortions regardless, if they are desperate enough?
4) All I can say is LOVE. Should we stop it?
5) Do we just accept people in power with personal political stances based upon one personal religion and set beliefs representing the "melting pot" of the world, when it's written in our Constitution to not do this?
think about it. if you disagree on any of my points, you have a right to think so.
...but I'm pretty sure I make some decent sense.