Oct 31, 2004 21:31
Wow! I cant believe i can finally say that I have free time. Well it's senior year and iv'e been busy as hell. I just finished my senior thesis and now im about to do early desicion to Muhlenberg...(we'll see how that goes)
So now on this Holloween night i find myself w/ much free time, so i have decided to update my old friend. Nothin new in my life, no romance, no excitemnt, nothin... just hours of homework and lots of time to dream about what the future holds for me.
I've been writing alot in my music journal, just contemplating life and where im going. My life seems so borign now. Im going into my usual "i feel fat" phase. And it doesnt help that josh is always like "u have love handles u could afford to lose some weight." Whatever... he doenst know what hes talking about. he likes those thin tall girls that have no meat on them. I enjoy having some meat on my bones, granted ihave no ass the meat on the bones makes up for it...only sometimes.
Well on a litle more pleasent note... i saw one of AJ's friends Eric yesterday.... OH MY GOODNESS!! HOW GORGEOUS WAS HE?!! My mouth like dropped opne when i saw him... he had these amazing lips and just so cute all over. AND HE LISTENS TO PHISH! Ugh he was gorgeous! Zuly and I were smacking AJ b/c he def. was holding out on us!
Anywyas its almost 10 and i think imma start getting ready for bed b/c tomorrow is a new week. OH AND BYT THE WAY JUS TINCASE U GUYS DIDNT KNOW THE RED SOX ARE WORLD CHAMPIONS! It took em long enuff huh? Well tomorrow is a new day and another opportunity to make a new friend. So god bless and until we meet...
-Wilma : )