Feb 09, 2006 02:21
so just got back from GN rehearsal (yay for 10:30pm-1am) and have yet to do my devotional, and wash up before bed...and yes i plan on getting up at 8am to finish hw before class...just another day in the life of a college student..lol
i just have to say, praise God. Honestly, i don't say it enough. on the bus ride back to north tonight i was very contemplative...could have something to do with the fact that i was waiting in the cold for 20 minutes at cc little from 1:30-1:50am, half asleep, half lost in the music of my ipod...hmmm, yea that might have something to do with it, just maybe...lol anyways, the bus was driving by the hospital, like always, when i noticed christmas lights around one of the patient's windows....it was beautiful...this one window of hope in the midst of all these dark ones...and i'm thinking 'gosh, i'm so blessed...i have so much, it's an amazing thing just to have my health and my family and friends around me all of the time ...and to have all of the amazing opportunities that i have here at uofm...there's so much reason to be happy, to always keep peace & trust in the forefront of my life, in lieu of stress & worry... even in the midst of these past weeks of crazy jam-packed schedules, all-nighters, homework, papers, exams, performances, and study abroad applications...its all a priviledge, every last lecture and meeting...'
it was one of those moments when everything makes sense, when you realize that all of your hard work really does pay off...and suddenly you know that your life is working out exactly the way it should be.
i can't fully explain it...
....besides, the uofm hospital has always been this comfort image for me...maybe its because i was born there and have some strange connection to the place, or maybe because my mom works there, or because of all the years i spent hanging out with the nurses and doctors on bring your daughter to work day, playing with the scopes, etc... lol oh man, those are some interesting memories...but for me the building is this "constant," if you will....i see it and feel this overwhelming sense of home *warm fuzzies*
ephesians 4:17-5:21 = how to live the life
the peace, the joy... people ask, i tell 'em it comes from You
"love that shames the wise, betrays the heart's deceit and lies and breaks the back of foolish pride" yea, only He loves me like that
I will forever continue to strive for this state of surrender & trust in Your plan