Aug 16, 2007 12:43

S00. I kinda forgot to write last night. But.. anywayssss. S0 about the whole ''Kenny'' thing. One weekend Kenny_Cassidy_Erin_Jonathan_ && I decided to get off campus for a weekend. && basically I wasnt thinkiN; of hookiN; up with anyone. Even though Jonathan is cute && liked me it wasnt gonna go down because he dated 1 of my girls. && I just dont do grimmy shit like that. Even though I knew Jonathan really liked me. But.. going on about Kenny. I neva would of thought that kenny && I would have a lip_locking moment. ♥ Considering at the time he had a girl back home && all. But.. I guess shit happens when your drunk! So all of us were all gettiN; shit faced && haviN: a good time. && I was s0 drunk && high at one point that all my emotions came out and I began to cry ova some guy I really was feeliN; who did some dirty shit to me by getting with another chick. Because he wanted to swear to me that he was different from all the other guys but yet did that shit to me. YA riightt. && he wanted to sit hea and blow up my cell phone && say how sorry he was and blah_blah. Well how about FUCK YOU!
Anywaysss. Going on about kenny =] We were all sitting on the couch && from the look in his eye I just KNEW he wanted to kiss me. But since im not the type of girl to make the first move I just didnt bother. && like I said how could kenny possibly like me! I mean he did have a girlfriend back at home even though they were going through a rough time. So then Erin noticed how he was lookiN; && blurred out loud. ''Why Dont You Kiss Her Already'' .
&& all i can sayy is DAMNNNN* && my heart stopped beating--* NO REALLY! ♥ He's def. one of the best kissers Evaaa!* && his lips were poppiN; with my lipgloss!!!!!! && WOW that was probably the BEST weekend EVAAA! && we all cuddled together every night. && he wouldnt stopp kissing me && i l0veD ittt! Cuz he can kiss me for hours ♥. && it was the most perfect thing ♥.: && once I thought everything was s00 perfect. it got all crushed. Because his s00_called girlfriend or whateva she was at the time, found out && literally drove all the wayyy to maine to come get him a few days lata after mine && kenny's lil' l0VE SCaNDAl. && now im s00 angry because I really liked him alot. && theres n000 wayy I can compare to her when shes been with him since 5 years. <|3
&& I'll still always say that were Barbie && Ken ♥
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