behind the scenes

Oct 15, 2005 04:59

so.. the last show was fucking awesome as far as the performance goes, the music wasnt so hot.. but given the circumstances, i think we pulled it off pretty well.. the crowd didnt seem to mind thats for damn sure. they were fucking awesome and its only gonna get better i assure you.. when you can have a crowd going insane with an unplugged guitar, you know youre doing something right.

so you wanna know what's behind the scenes?

i lost my voice the morning of the show and it still hasnt come back fully..i fucked up big..luckily it didnt go completely out till after the set. some shit happened that was unexpected.. the set-time was off to a great start.. smooth sailing with the first band.. they're called Buzehound.. a friend of mine's band Bobby. they finished pretty early..however the two bands afterwards took forever.. not that they were bad bands.. but their sets were cutting into ours, which was pretty aggravating to say in the least.

we ended up finishing set-up 5 minutes into our set.. we weren't able to fine tune everything (Ivy and i are VERY picky about that), nor get the proper EQ, or an organized stage.. we were all very nervous about our set-time and rushed to finish getting everything ready.. Ginger left the stage to change, and was back before i even knew he was gone, it was time to start the set.

the intro went by pretty smoothly, my nervousness was dying down and was gaining a lot more focus. that was until i turned on my guitar amp to begin the next song. "The Calling" starts off with a domaninant guitar riff, crunch with a grunch type comes in hard and heavy.. except for this time.. no.. this guitar is the opposite of dominant it sounded like we wanted to bend over and let the world fuck us in the ass.. like this piece of shit EQ did. but thats what happens when you run low on time... you take chances.

after "The Calling" was over we went into "Infidelity" where we realized.. "this was gonna suck" our second amp didnt work out like we planned AT ALL.. so we were stuck with one guitar.. mine, the one Ginger had played like twice in the two weeks of practicing.. and demonstrated his discomfort of playing with a strap too low at practices before by fucking up (many of time). and was the strap good this time? no.. no.. no.. he couldnt see the frets.. and "Infidelity" and "The Drifter" paid the price. As if that werent bad enough.. i had no way of helping him in anyway.. there was only one guitar, which meant.. all of the plans for two went to shit: no bridge for "Infidelity", no double-solo/intro/bridge for "The Drifter", and absolutely no depth to "Canva5" GOOD TIMES! we finally made it to another song for me to play "A Still Life" which guess what? SUCKED royally fucked by yours truly.. my guitar pedal was behind me. i made the mistake of walking to it at the same time Ginger was back there, and we got tangled.. my guitar ended up coming unplugged, by the time i got it plugged back in, i was supposed to be on distortion.. you get the picture.

my last song of the night was "Canva5" and i put what was left of my vocals into the song.. FULLY.. so much that at one point they literally went out completely. i had lots of water.. that i couldnt stop spraying on the crowd and we had glitter that seemed to have kept disappearing.. everytime i would try to pick it up my hair got in the way and i couldnt see where it went.. and by that time it was time to keep singing. so i figured music is more important and i have no idea where the damn thing went. so yeah.. my vocals made it JUST barely for the rest of the song.. and then died afterwards.

the last song of the night was "The Fall" which went really fucking smooth..we did really good especially considering we had just written it a week prior to the show.. that one really gets energy going. fucking awesome.. overall i have to say the night was fucking awesome.. you cant base a band off of one performance and if you do, that's pretty retarded.. people got (less) mediocre music from us than expected, but got a kick ass show.. next time we will be sure to give them both and more.. we're gonna continue to outdo ourselves, play what we love, and kick ass doing it.. shit happens..and when it does, the only thing you can do is move on.. there hasnt been a show yet where i havent heard "aw man! that was the best yet!" and it'll always be that way.. always.

oh yeah.. some other news.. we just got two new beautiful amps, that kick the shit out of anything we've had thus far. and they sound BEAUTIFUL. so hell yes. the next show is gonna rock (any show you make it to)

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