30 Days Movie Challenge - Day 26

Sep 26, 2015 12:00

Seen on aragarna's journal and shamelessly stolen because it looks like fun. :)

Day 26 - A movie that is a guilty pleasure
Hmm...!!! Guilty pleasure implies that you're embarrassed about it or feeling guilty for liking it, right? And I don't think there's such a movie for me. I'M OUT AND PROUD WHEN IT COMES TO MY MOVIES! *g* Okay, how's about this; I do like the occasional chick flick (maybe that should've been my answer for yesterday? Folks would be surprised that I like chick flicks?) and whenever Sleepless in Seattle is on TV and I'm home, I just have to watch it. And I bawl every single time. (Though I still don't feel guilty or embarrassed about it.)

meme, meme: 30 movies

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