Most of you will probably be surprised that I'm posting something Supernatural-related (well, kinda sorta) but hey, I like(d) the show a lot, J2 are adorkable and cute, and even though I'm not a fan of Cas, I ♥ Misha Collins for being, well, Misha Collins.
So I knew he'd do something awesometastic when he was challenged to do the Ice Bucket Challenge. And boy, did he deliver!
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And my lovable big moose did his share as well. :D
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Hee!!! Ice in the crotch!
Love that Jensen did the honor. Though he looked entirely too pleased with himself. That evil chuckle! He had way too much fun dumping that ice water on Jared. I so cannot wait to see him getting drenched!
(On a somewhat related note: why hasn't Zachary Quinto done the challenge yet?! Matty nominated him. *grumbles*)