The Merry Month of Masturbation is just around the corner, and to celebrate this blessed event, I'm going to write naughty ficcage!
For that, I need your help!
So, please leave prompts of the smexy pr0n nature here and I'll see which ones inspire me. I want to write at least 1 NCIS and 1 White Collar PWP, but depending on the amount of brilliantly inspiring prompts, the number might be significantly higher. (No,
elrhiarhodan, I will not write 31 fics again. I managed to make it last year but it broke my brain, as you well know.)
The prompts can be as simple or elaborate as you like. A simple word, a phrase, an entire set-up. Just a single character or a pairing (threesome). Any combination is welcome. :)
(By the way, this counts as the May Edition of my Unwritten Stories Meme.)
Let the naughty fun begin! :D
Filled prompts:
Prompt 01:
Neal - velvet by
elrhiarhodan Prompt 02:
Toppy!Neal taking El apart while Peter watches by
sapphire2309 Prompt 03:
Tony comes over to find Gibbs working shirtless in the back yard by