Yeah, like I need another challenge, right? Wrong. LOL! Please note that this will count as the May Edition of my
Unwritten Stories Meme (and yeah, I'm posting this at the beginning of April, not on May 1st, for obvious reasons...I need to be mentally prepped for all the kinky/juicy/dirty prompts you'll hopefully give me. *waggles eyebrows*)
May is The Merry Month of Masturbation. I've seen the
mmom challenge floating around my flist for a few years now but never participated. Well, I gotta write at least 200K this year for
getyourwordsout, and what better way to get there than to write a piece of wankfic every day for the entire month!
So, I'm going to need your help, dear flist! I need 31 prompts, one for each day, and I'll write a ficlet based on them.
There are just a couple of simple rules:
1. No more than 3 prompts per person (for now), please. Only 1 prompt per person, and yes, another prompt is allowed even if you already prompted me! :)
2. Please give me a one-word prompt. Just a single word. No fandom, no pairings, no other set-up. I'll write in your preferred fandom with (hopefully) your preferred character/pairing/moresome, of course. :)
And now, go forth and prompt me! :D
(yes, this is really all
elrhiarhodan's fault! *g*)
Prompt 1 by
elrhiarhodan tongue Prompt 2 by
elrhiarhodan fingertip Prompt 3 by
elrhiarhodan bellybutton Prompt 4 by
taylorgibbs leather Prompt 5 by
taylorgibbs cologne Prompt 6 by
taylorgibbs tee shirt Prompt 7 by
kaylashay gun Prompt 8 by
kaylashay video Prompt 9 by
kaylashay ice Prompt 10 by
theatregirl7299 eyeliner Prompt 11 by
cookielaura bite Prompt 12 by
cookielaura balcony Prompt 13 by
cookielaura Sir Prompt 14 by
hawk_soaring rope Prompt 15 by
hawk_soaring lips Prompt 16 by
hawk_soaring sack Prompt 17 by
dhae_knight paint Prompt 18 by
dhae_knight bathtub Prompt 19 by
dhae_knight shackles Prompt 20 by
sapphire2309 falling Prompt 21 by
sapphire2309 illusion Prompt 22 by
sapphire2309 pain Prompt 23 by
flyonthewall2 driving Prompt 24 by
flyonthewall2 piano Prompt 25 by
flyonthewall2 ER Prompt 26 by
taylorgibbs knife Prompt 27 by
doctor_fangeek sit / stay Prompt 28 by
djmichealsfics leather jacket / Harley Prompt 29 by
selenic76 rain Prompt 30 by
mc23 reaction Prompt 31 by
elrhiarhodan pantsless housekeeping