Yup, it's totally beginning to look like tumblr here. O_O Like whoa. But okay, I got another adorbs animated MW gif, so all's well. *g*
(And just so you know, anyone can always kiss my ass with gratuitous Matt Bomer pic spams. Not that there's anything gratuitous about any kind of Matt Bomer pic spam, come to think of it...*g*)
pffft they're disney, aren't they? goddamn things all look the same with them.
Bunnies have EARS, see? Long, floppy ears?
See them flopping? Floppity, floppity, floppity!
Chipmunks have wee widdle ears:
And, for further examination to illustrate my point:
*blinks* Chip-N-Dales. Chipmunks. It's all good, right?! 0=) *happydreamysigh*
/biology lesson for the day
Holy crap, it's starting to look like tumblr here *shivers*
Kiss ass.
What? Looks like Tumblr?
(And just so you know, anyone can always kiss my ass with gratuitous Matt Bomer pic spams. Not that there's anything gratuitous about any kind of Matt Bomer pic spam, come to think of it...*g*)
(Whoever actually concentrates on his ears is doing something wrong, though. Just sayin'. *cough*)
You do know what's on my smartphone display?
Makes for some interesting conversations for sure. *g*
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