Good Lord, they just never die out, do they?

Aug 08, 2010 12:05

I feel a bit like Tony, who counts it as success when he's not accused of committing murder for a whole year.

Granted, it's a bit different in my case, but still.

I've just been accused of plagiarism by someone named "drtib". I don't even know that person. I also don't know which story I've allegedly plagiarized, or, as she (I'm assuming it's a she) puts it: "You stole my story and converted it into a laughable example of imitation mediocrity."

Well, yes.

When I replied and asked for clarification (for my own amusement mostly, because seriously, with my Muses, there's no need to steal anyone's ideas), I was still not told which story we're talking about here. Instead, I was called "scum." I was also informed that I've been "exposed" to my "ex-readers". And, of course, "everyone is laughing at [me] behind [my] back."

I sincerely hope nobody's pulling any muscles whilst guffawing.

So, to all of my ex-readers out there: It was good knowing you. Please feel free to drop by again once you realize that this drtib person really has their head up their...buttocks. (Honestly? I don't think any of my readers actually believe any of these accusations. For starters, they wouldn't know which story we're talking about here...! LOL!)

I'd be only too happy to look at the presumably ripped off story, if for no other reason than to figure out where the accused stealing took place. Too bad I'm not being given the pertinent information to go look. One can only wonder why.

(I don't remember who said it, but basically, there are only seven original story ideas in the world. Try not finding potential similarities when looking at thousands of fanfics. Doesn't mean anyone stole anything from anyone else. *eyeroll*)

I'd also like to point out--as some of my (maybe now ex-)readers from the good ol' X Files days might remember--that I was the victim of a very nasty plagiarism case years ago. For more info, see here. So the whole concept of plagiarism is a very touchy subject for me. Being accused of stealing anyone's story without proof or even the courtesy of naming the darn story in the first place therefore makes me feel...annoyed.

I was going to try and start writing my ncis_ficathon  story today, but for some reason, I'm not in the mood anymore. Who knows, I'd probably only end up stealing someone's idea again anyway. /sarcasm

argh!!!, ranting, bitchfest, fanfic, asshattery

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