Title: Five Ways "Rule Fifty-One" Should Have Ended
Author: Gaby
Genre: Crack!fic.
Warnings: Major character death.
Spoilers: "Rule Fifty-One".
Characters / Pairings: Anyone and everyone. A smidgeon of Gibbs/Tony if you squint.
Author's Notes: I did like the season finale. Doesn't mean it couldn't be improved. LOL! Fair warning, I killed off everyone who annoyed me and deserved to be offed. And Ziva. So, if you're a huge Ziva fan, that's perfectly fine, but then you might not want to read the last "way". Just sayin'. Hey, I needed five people to kill and I was running out of options, okay?! ;-)
Thank you to
spoonyriffic for finding my oopsies - as usual. And damn you for the new plotbunny! *glares* LOL!
Summary: Five alternate endings to the, uh, cliffhanger we got to see.
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