Feb 16, 2005 22:59
Well I must say I have not been this excited in quite some time. This weekend is rurlas for Albert Wrestling which mean that to go to provincials you have to qualify. Edmonton and Calgary both have a tourney to qualify in and everyone else that doesn't fall into those two are put into a tourney called rurlas
so WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE going to rurals... I have been practicing really hard and i have come solid Combinations down that envolve very little effort on my part to initiate and alot of energy for my opponent to try and get out of (which isn't that easy). The most I can hope for is that my back doesn't fuck up on me again or my fingers... last tourney a guy twisted my pinky almost right angle at the middle joint and it's been fucked ever since... *shrugs*
anyways im thinking of getting some pics this weekend and i will get back to you all on how I did...
Man.... I am so syked for this tourney I have actually broken a sweat when mentally trying to figure out how to move in my matches.
Anyways peace out and have a good weekend without me all
don't lose to many braincells without me or else i will have to catch up.
- x`ian