I'm Fucking Sick of it

Oct 11, 2004 13:19

I'm fucking sick and tired of how people say I am smart and actually give me credit for beign a deep thinker and things as such or even in school. Thats not what pisses me off, what is, is when I come up with a solution or a good answer or the only fucking answer out of the class and no one else got it they think I cheated or someone gave me the answer

Honestly... either be my friend and be at my side to help me become something or fuck off cause I don't need people knocking my feet out from under me the second I build some of my own self-cofidence for something I did right and by myself

Also I'm sick of ppl mocking my writing... I don't mock ppl for improvising... so fuck off, not whole heartedly mad at this individual but just stop it please.

On a lighter note... I made the turkey dinner this year. My father helped me with the turkey but the rest I did with myself. *proud of self*. Gravy is harder to make then one might think.

That is all.

Happy fucking turkey day
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