Dude, my computer kicked me offline adn Livejournal SAVED the last entry!!! Holy shit this is awesome!
So here's the SAVED entry!!!!
So I'm still alive...wait, isn't that how the last journal entry started?
Anyways, so Lily turned 6 months on the 24th, she's fucking huge now, well considering she was 2.6 lbs before adn she's tipping the scales at 12 lbs now, she's looking very happy and healthy. Lots of baby fat, like rings of fat around the wrists and stuff...hee hee hee, fat babys! She's smiling and laughing now, and starting to eat jarred foods, which I refuse to call solids, THAT is not solid food! She rolled over the other day from her stomach to her back, but I'm not sure how much of that was on purpose and how much was gravity. She's holding her head up straight now, so no more crazy bobble-headed baby. She does this "Mommy Trust Test" when I'm holding her over my shoulder and she'll push back, hold both arms out to the side and lean back until I have to move my other arm to catch her, or have her fall on her head. So far, It's been Mommy 27; Head Injuries 0, but there's still time.
I need to find a part time job somewhere, Somewhere that'll pay more than $9 and hour. Or something I can work from home doing that'll pay well. Damnit.
Went to Texas during the Thanksiving weekend, to find Mr. Deadbeat Daddy. Got him to waive his rights to Lily, yes it's what I went there for, but it still feels un-gratifying. Also the fact that he asked for my address and phone number so he could check on his daughter from time to time and I still haven't heard anything from him, just upsets me. I don't want people to get the wrong idea about this either, I'm not upset that he and I didn't work out. I'm upset because I shouldn't have to explain to Lily in 5 years why her dad didn't care enough to stay in the same state, least of all call even now and then to see how she was or send her a bday or xmas present. This is gonna suck.
I've only been about to get out on Thursday nights to work at Castle, Weds to hang out with Jason at Res Bar or Crow Bar, and possibly a Friday or Saturday night at the Castle once every month or so. BTW, Tomakins CALL ME!!! I never check this stupid thing...Hence the fact that I haven't written in here since 3 months ago, or something!
Hope everyone else is doing well, Latest Picture of Lilianna in the dress Brian and Kelly bought her!