Dec 09, 2008 19:58
When you're from the Midwest, living in LA in December doesn't feel like Christmas. I will admit, part of that is the fact that I am in semester-end craziness. But that being said, it doesn't feel like Christmas. I had my iPod on shuffle today as I drove home. I kept getting Christmas music and would skip it thinking "Its not Christmas". After doing that about 2 times, I realized that "Wait... its December."
I don't know what it is about not feeling Christmas in LA. Perhaps its the lack of Christmas decorations on my commute... But the huge light tree on the top of capital records is the way I note that I'm almost home from the freeway.
I'm currently listening to Christmas music. Nothing soothes the soul quite like David Bowie and Bing Crosby singing Little Drummer Boy. But still, it doesn't feel like Christmas.
Here in LA, I don't even have my tree up. I have a small tree, which is hidden deep in my closet. It would take me 3 minutes to pull it out and put it on the table. Wouldn't even need much dusting. But it remains in the closet, its beads spilling over several formal gowns as it lays lopsided between Monopoly and my roller skates.
Any time I think of my childhood home in Missouri (the JC house), I instantly think of it at Christmas.... even in summer. There is something truly magical about my house at Christmas. My mother does a truly amazing job decorating it, filling every nook and cranny with something jolly. The highest number of trees she put up was 17... that was a few years ago, and it hasn't been that much since.
But alas, I'm not at home to curl up by the fire when I read "Eclipse" this week. I'm not able to eat home cooked meals which consist of my favorite foods. No... I'm in LA finishing the semester, desperate for Christmas and, gasp, snow!
No, I am in LA until the 21st. I will simply have to sate my Christmas needs by going to the Grove and watching the artificial snow fall at 7, 8, and 9:30.