Jul 08, 2005 18:23
I'm finally learning some things about myself
Like, Im always learning things,
but this time Ive come to a verdict. (?)
It hurts a little to type,
being that I chopped part of of my pinky off
There has been a lot of drama lately,
but it's cool,
cause it's all fake...
so, it's entertaining,
in the least.
I got stucchis today,
so good.
Oh, also...
Another decision with Blitzen
I'm selling.
I haven't told my parents yet.
It's either, sell now,
or sell when I am trying to get ready to leave for college...
I'm going to promise him I'm to buy him back.
I must have him back.
And, the heartbreaker:
I may lease.
I never thought I would lease,
not that there is anything wrong with it,
I planned to lease cody a while back,
but things changed....
Now when Blitzen goes,
I lease Chaplan.