Sep 16, 2009 12:13
so school started monday.. i had to b there at 7am till 1030 then i came back from 130-630. sitting for 8 hours listening to ppl talk....its so boring. but its not too hard. i was worrying for no reason. friggin saw my gram before school yesterday, shes so friggin cute. im glad she lives on the way to my school now i can see her more often. my new cars acting up it keeps stalling and im useing my brothers. fuckin brakes are shot. i almost hit a puerto rican j walkin yestreday in hartford. i guess ive gotta slow the fuck doiwn around there.. fuckin people. i gotta go soon. im spenin some time w zoe bird before i leave. shes screaming at lil wayne right now. hah / i cant wait till i make a weddingg cake which is the last CLASS. i wish it were sooner. gotta study for the serve safe test manggggggggggggggggggg. get a ciggy break like every houyr its pretty sweet. ive gota friggin eat monster energy drinks make me crash in the last class...