Jul 14, 2006 18:12
Name: Chasity
Nickname: Val or Super Geek
Age: 18
Birthdate: April 8, 1988
Height: 5'6"
Likes: Writing, drawing, watching anime, reading manga, taking surveys, and getting rated!
Dislikes: Waiting, my computer lagging, making typos, and being without caffein or nicotine for more than several hours. I'm totally addicted to those two...-.-;
Strong Points: Hrm...My ability to emphathize with pretty much everyone (Not EVERYONE). I can always see good in someone...even if I despise them.
Weak Points: I either emphathise too much or not enough. And I'm addicted to nicotine and caffein like woah. I'm also a nail biter...><;
Pet Peeves: Someone accusing me of something I did NOT do. And someone lying to my face is always an eye twitcher as well...
Hobbies: Writing, drawing, role playing, and day dreaming.
Talents: Writing, drawing, and role playing.
Favorite Color: Silver
Favorite Food: Hrm...I like so many different type of food...XD;;; I suppose I'll go with ravioli!
Favorite Sport: Me? Sports? Pfft... I don't do sports. Buuuut... if I had to choose, I'd go with baseball.
Mature or Immature?: Immature most of the time. But I do have my moments!
Leader or Follower?: I'm neither. I don't follow anyone...but I also HATE leading.
Words you say would describe you: Talented, sometimes boring, sometimes exciting, lonely yet loved, and loving.
Anything else: Hrm... Nothing, really.
Favorite Sin: Lust!
Why?: It's the sexiest...XD;