Today was GOOD...
Woke up around 11:30 amy called me... I went to her house where we sat around and watched her brothers and waited for Mike to come... Mike came and then we left and went to get lunch ... then we went to the beach were I DIDNT HAVE A GOOD TIME! thank guys... dumb bitches haha
Then we got dropped off at Amys dads house Where I met Amys brother and Amys dad told me the funniest stories ever... and then we went out to ice cream...
Then we got home and left again with Jess to go to get more food (yes we ate alot today) and it was fun...
Then we got home and sat on our asses looking at some of the funniest pictures I have ever seen... I LOVED IT we sent some to bryan, and well lets just say he liked it alot....
♥ Last
last cigarette: oh idk... haha
last good cry: I cant even remember its been a while cuz I havnt been talking to assholes latly
last library book checked out: The Perks of Being a Wallflower
last movie seen: The Notebook...
last beverage drank: ice tea
last crush: wouldn't you just love to know <3
last shoes worn: Hollister sandals
last CD played: D12
last downloaded: I think it was "when i think about you i touch myself" haha making a CD for April
last annoyance: Sitting by the car waitting for FUCKING AMY!
last disappointment: when someone didnt call me
last thing written: My journal entry
last key used: y
last word spoken: "cutie patooty"
last IM: Bryan... thanks for the IM bry
last sexual fantasy: hahaha oh goodness
last ice cream eaten: the LARGE coffee ice cream yesterday
last poster looked at: my cosmo guy model
last webpage visited: me and amys community....
I HATE: sluts
I FEAR: spiders and being alone
I HOPE: I can find someone who is great
I FEEL: nothing
I DRIVE: illegally
I NEED: to go shopping
I MISS: mg... somedays
I LEARNED: that im better off with out people that make me feel like shit
current music: nothingg
current hair: up
current annoyance: people
current smell: burberry perfume
current thing I should be doing: working out
current desktop picture: THE ASIAN BABY!!! oohhh yeah
current refreshment: iced tea
current worry: oh well theres alot on my mind
Thats about it ♥