Title: Cold, Like Winter's Breath
Fandom: Bleach
Characters/Pairings: Byakuya/Hisana
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Author Note: Yaaay, I'm filling out a table!
Summary: There is an icy chill that can be seen on his skin.
That table is
It's a little chilly tonight, but she does not complain. It's a midnight rendevous in the middle of winter. While there is no snow, the air is still chilly, still holds the bite of Winter's Breath.
He stands there without anything to separate him from a normal shinigami but the princely quality he carries himself with.
"Will I ever see you again?" He asks, words careful, yet controlled. He asks the same thing every time they part.
She smiles a smile that she intends to be reassuring. "Usually, I would be the one to ask, young lord."
He lifts his chin and looks away. In the moonlight, she can see the first signs of Winter's Breath caressing his pale cheeks, a soft blush that only makes him more precious. "These are not usual circumstances," he answers.
"I would be honored if I were allowed to see you again," she says, bowing low.
"Don't do such things. They are unnecessary."
When she lifts her head, it appears as if Winter's Breath has fought harder, colored his strong cheekbones in another dusting of pink and his eyes finally seek her out.
"My name. You may use it." His eyes shift lower, to her chin perhaps, but remain on her face. "You may call me by my given name."
It almost sounds like a plea. How can she deny it?
"All right. Yes. We will meet each other again, Byakuya-sama."