Title: The Powers of the Witch
Fandom: Bleach/Kingdom Hearts crossover
Characters/Pairings: Byakuya, Namine
Rating: PG
Warnings: None, really
Author Note: So like, Daddy's been practicing interactions with Byakuya-bo with Namine. Gah, her Namine's so fricking cute and poor Byakuya doesn't know half the shit she's talking about, but that's okay. ANYWAY, this is thanks to you, Daddy! *kiss*
Summary: She's such a strange girl...
She's a strange girl.
She talks of things that don't make sense, that break the very laws of balance he has dedicated his life to, that go by different names but remind him of the laws of his own home.
He doesn't have to be here. It would be simple to call home and request a pathway at his current position, but he finds himself avoiding it, sitting with her and coloring pictures with these strange things called crayons that he will make a mental note to purchase for Rukia when he gets home again.
He's talked more with her than he remembers with most people, has told his name without thinking on it. How easy it was to sit down and lay so much trust in a young woman who claimed to have the power to alter reality. He'd never allow her the chance, but still... it's so strange. She is strange.
It's her smile, he realizes. Every time she smiles, he can't help but feel compelled to stay. It's unnerving how terribly influential it seems to be for one such as he who has discarded his feelings, for one who's raised his sword against family and foe alike, for one who couldn't care less about her situation or her feelings.
Her smile... her smile is so fragile, her eyes reflect sadness and loneliness. She emanates regret and despair. It's much like--
--like the only ones he's ever allowed to burrow into his heart and influence him enough to challenge everything he's been raised to believe.
It's the only reason he agrees to share with her his time. For a moment, he's with a stranger who doesn't know him, expects nothing of him and the kenseikan, the scarf, the haori don't have to exist. It's as if he's gotten a second chance at having a sister. It's temporary--he must return home and do his job. He knows it to be true, but there is no urgency, is there?
She's strange, this Namine, but he's not sure he can bring himself to leave just yet.