Oct 22, 2009 17:11
"I was at a dinner where the guy giving grace ended by thanking God for the sun. The rest of the guests looked outside and saw that it was clowdy and overcast. After dinner, one of the guests asked him what he meant by it and he responded "Even though you can't see the sun, because it's daylight, you know it's there and that's why I'm thankful."
This was how the majority of the conversation went during our drive. We were chatting about weather, travel, work... it was a long drive, after all. I'm sure it was an innocent comment, but it was quite profound to me. The other comment he made also stuck:
"Don't look for a job you like, like the job you have" he continued to say how once you accept the position you're in and become happy with your situation, everything else will happen.
I know that's sometimes easier said than done, but for those who have read "A New Earth" by Eckhart Tolle, you'll understand.
I came across that a few weeks ago. I was at work and the whole week was MISERABLE. I hated the job, it was beneath me, I wasn't appreciated, it was hard, labourous, dirty, smelly work and the one thing I enjoyed doing (driving) was being "taken away" from me by one of the desk girls. I wanted to quit.
Since then things have changed. My new coworker is awesome (though VERY chatty) he is an incredible worker and has so much energy it's almost irritating! Noone should have that much energy!!! But it's a small price to pay for my sanity... I never have to worry about coming into work and there being a dirty shop! It's one less thing to worry about.
But the biggest thing that's changed is me. I started re-reading the book and have noticed a profound change in my thought patterns. I realized all the "hate" I had for my job was my "pain body"... my ego was feeding off of all this negative emotion and making me miserable- the job isn't miserable, just my attitude. Ever since I changed my attitude, the days are better, easier to get through, more fun, and I'm smiling and joking around more.
As with the first statement, my happiness (the sun) was there, but was being clowded by my negative emotions. Once I banished the negative emotions, the happiness came! And now that I'm happy with my work, other things seem to be falling into place.
Life is good...
"Man stands in his own shadow and wonders why it's dark" ~zen proverb