Feb 16, 2004 12:12
k .. well lastnite was funn eventho i didnt goto the lock-in .. i was up pennypack with dave,larry,jess,nd mike itwas pretty funn.. larry was soo drunk it was soo funny! he kept saying he was GaNgStEr..lol we were outside for like ever it was sooo cold! then some lady told us to come up in her apartment it was hot as shit larry kept messin with her like askin her if she fucks mad people in there.. she was like no i got a man hah ! she was soo funny i think her name was pearl.. and her fiance pedro ! lol i felt soo bad for jess she was soooooo drunk and they were gonna make her walk home omg! she would of like died! so me and mike told her to stay at pearls house so i think shes ok ..omg then teen called me and told me that elena that was on cheerleading with us is on life support b.c she was in a car accident iwas like omg ! i hope nothing bad like happens to her she was the nicest person ! i am seriously praying that shes ok ! well .. today i think i mite go up daves and watch my boss' daughter cuz my hubby plays in it ! AsHtOn baby !lol k well im gonna go and ill try to write more later
tamaRa <3