(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 01:24

yuck, yuck & more yuck.

so last night (this morning) i'm sitting here at the computer playing a game and all of a sudden my eyes got blurry and my vision was fucking up really bad. i thought i had just been sitting there playing too long, so i attempted to look away. i couldn't see for shit, then i started getting scared, i thought i was going blind. haha. so i tried my best to close everything down on the computer then went to lay down. i went to watch TV, but i seriously could not see much of anything and i started getting more worried, which would have equaled a panic attack. finally i said fuck this and fell asleep, only to be awoken not long after that by the worst pain ever on the left side of my head in my eye area. i was so fucking nauseous. i used to get migranes all the time as a kid, atleast once or twice a week and they were fucking horrible. this was my first one in years. i've felt sick all damn day from it.

i'm feeling yucky and hoping to the heavens or whatever is out there that i feel better by wednesday. i just want a nice birthday dinner. please? k.

more yuck; i really need to do laundry, but this fucking possum keeps coming in from under the house somehow, the 'under the house' it's coming in from is the laundry room. fucking bastard. my dad tried killing it the other night because it got into our kitchen, he started stabbing it with tree cutters. now we have to get a trap. don't they have some trees to live in?

i had this weird dream last night and the colors in it were so vivid. i dreamt that i drove to california, or some other place like that, but cheated by getting there super fast with cheats on the steering wheel (yeah, i don't know) then ran up these stairs and through these hallways to a beach. the water was splashing up against the rocks and the sun was going down, in my dream the water was bright blue and the sky was such a pretty orange.

i don't have anything too exciting to sit and ramble about.

i want to curl up in bed with some good horror flicks, a bag of mixed halloween candy and some tea.
i also want this week to go good. birthday wednesday, mr. cabrerararara saturday. fuck yes.
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