Nov 26, 2004 21:55
Another uneventful Thanksgiving. One of the nice things of not having Chris over is that we actually have leftovers. Aw, but I miss him. Eh, he and Marty are coming sometime in January.
Although admittedly, I do miss Thanksgiving at le grandparents. Mater is one of thirteen, and there's aboot 25 of us cousins (wait, no, 26, 27?! Oh fuck it, there's a lot of us). So it's basically a house full of 30 some odd (maybe more if people just randomly come in) ADD/ADHD/schizophrenic/bipolar/other random mental illness afflicted Lithuanians. Fifteen people fighting over one drumstick. Utter chaos. *sigh* I miss the good ole days.
On a completely random note, if I could go back in time, I'd go back and snog esus, just so I could get in the bible. Could ya see it, reading the bible one day and see "And Sarah cameth and snogged Jesus in front of all his followers, kin, and some sheep."