that's how we got our punkins home from the family reunion last weekend hehe. think we got enough? two have already been carved and the rest are waiting for halloween. im so tired i can barely keep my eyes open because school is consuming me, im not staying on. im just very proud of our pumpkins. also, i got the job at VS, however i turned it down to become my mother's house cleaner for $75 bucks a week, which is more than I would get if I worked retail right now...its almost the holidays, thats why they were hiring in the first place. i wish i hadn't gotten so excited about it. i feel a little dumb. but who cares, im tired and i clean houses now. I'm damn good at it. anyone want a house cleaned? call me. 930-9868. dont use that to stalk me cause if you do i will fuckin hunt u down biotch.