Mar 22, 2004 16:36
Okay, sorry it took me so long to get this up, I have been swamped. You said you wanted some stories from florence? Well, here are eight, with a quiz at the end. Enjoy, and please respond
1. So, we found this really cool knife stand on the side of the road in Florence, and a bunch of us bought really cool knifes. Well, on the train home, *Marty*(names changed to protect the identities of the people involved) was trying to decide wheither it was a good idea or a bad idea to play with his new butterfly knife on the train. We all agreed that it was a bad idea, and he did to, so he put away his knife. For about ten minutes, until he forgot and started playing with it. Very badly timed, the italian passport guy walked by, and almost got hit by Martin's knife. Needless to say that he was not happy, and got mad at Martin...and that didn't go well. But it all turned out fine, and Martin got his knife back, so all's well that ends well.
2. We were in this art museum in Florence called the Uffizi, and we were doing this tour with this tour guide. We get into this one room, and it is really crowded, so we move on to the next room, to wait for the people to leave so we can go back and see it. Well, once the room is emptier, we go back into it, but the security guards don't like that. They start yelling at the tour guide that he can't go backwards through the museum, and refuses to listen to explanation. He also calls for backup, so there ended up being six big security guards standing around yelling at our tour guide. They then turn to us and say that they will call the police if we don't move on to the next room. Well, we ended up moving on to the next room, and our tour guide survived, so again, alls well that ends well.
3. At one point on the trip, *Melvin* had a bit too much to drink for dinner, and lay down with his head on the first step of a chirch, with his body out in the square, which is usualy only for walking people. He then almost got run over by a police car that was driving by, and then was given a stern talking to and many a suspicious look by the police.
4. *Jim* got his CD player stolen within the first 10min of being in Florence
5. *Jo*, over the course of the trip, slept with two other guys, and three girls.
6. *Jeff* got shot three times in the face at close range with a pelet gun, by another guy from the school. One of the shots hit but didn't break his glasses. If he hadn't been wearing them, he would have been blinded.
7. On the day trip to Sienna, *Ryan* got lost, and didn't get back on the bus, and had to find his own way back to Florence.
8. *Edgar* left his walet and new leather jacket in a bar in Florence
That is all for now.
Now here are the questions:
1. How many and which one(s) of the eight above stories are true?
2. How many and which of the *people* are me?
Reply, and let me know what you think.