Dec 06, 2011 13:49

"As an ENFJ, you make decisions based on how you feel about them and you process the world using your intuition.

ENFJs are people-oriented individuals who see the big picture. They have exceptional social skills and know to how understand people. Their primary drive is to provide others with joy, love, and encouragement. They derive personal satisfaction by bringing out the best in others and by making things happen for them.

ENFJs possess tremendous charisma because of their ability to connect with others on their own level. Energetic and fun, they can enliven any social situation or bring out even the most reserved individuals. Due to these traits and the fact that they generally have good self-confidence, ENFJs often become the leaders of social groups or clubs.

When ENFJs make decisions, they will almost always consider their subjective human and emotional aspects. They do not appreciate the value of making decisions solely using logic, without any humanistic connection. Thinking of future possibilities may be exciting to them, whereas operating only in the present may make them restless.

Due to their Judging preference, ENFJs are able draw conclusions about people quickly and decisively. However, those with less developed Intuition may draw conclusions based on established social rules instead of seeing all the possibilities. Also due to the Judging preference, ENFJs have the ability to make sure that their interpersonal relationships are extremely well-organized, even though their workdesks may be messy.

ENFJs have a well-defined values system which they can express clearly. However, they do not readily share their personal opinions if they think it would prevent them from connecting with others. Thus, they may operate in a chameleon-like manner, responding to each person uniquely.

With their unparalled social skills, ENFJs are able to penetrate into other people's feelings and elicit the reactions that they are looking for to bring about a positive change. Usually ENFJ's intentions are selfless, but those who have developed less than ideally may take advantage of this power by manipulating others.

ENFJs are hard on themselves and may turn to dark thoughts when alone. Thus, some ENFJs may choose to fill their lives with other people and activities to prevent being alone. However, because ENFJs often put other people's needs ahead of their own, they may feel lonely even when surrounded by people. Their natural tendency to focus on others gives them their unique abilities, but they must remember to spend some time alone and be more aware of their own needs as to not lose themselves.

Their incredible ability with people make them excellent counselors, teachers, and events coordinators. They can be found in any leadership position that requires one to facillitate and encourage the team, whether it is the manager of a corporation or the chair of a volunteer committee. Their gift in seeing people's growth potential and their genuine drive to help others make ENFJs the benevolent pedagogues of humanity.


ENFJs make loving, committed partners. They are willing to take the responsibility to make sure that their relationship is working well. They are dedicated to their partners and wish to bring out their best.

Because of their focus on their partner's happiness, ENFJs are often perfectly content serving their partners needs instead of their own. However, if they are too unaware of their own needs, they may find themselves in unhealthy, unbalanced relationships. It behooves ENFJs to learn to express and fulfill their own needs.

ENFJs have intense emotional reactions to situations and people. When they love, they love with enthusiasm. Similarly, when they are upset, they may vividly display their emotions. For these reasons, others may describe the ENFJ as overly dramatic. If there is something in the relationship that they find upsetting, they may display their unhappiness directly and the logical causes indirectly. For instance, they may make remarks that induce guilt to express their mood, instead of directly telling their partners what is bothering them.

When relationships are not working out, ENFJs tend to try to turn it around before ending it. ENFJs would go to great lengths to make personal compromises in their attempt to better understand and connect with their partner. At the same time, they would encourage their partners to make certain changes that would help the relationship, as they are constantly striving to bring out the best in others. However, if they are certain that the relationship has failed, ENFJs will readily move on without looking back.

ENFJs are always gauging how their partners are feeling. While this behavior may feel smothering to a Thinking type, it generally fosters a relationship with good communication. ENFJs enjoy words of love and affirmation from their partners, although they would never ask for it.

ENFJs view sex as an exciting opportunity to symbolically show love and affection. Because ENFJs derive much of their own satisfaction from the happiness of others, they are likely to be very skilled lovers. They also enjoy sex from a fantastical standpoint, passionating engaging in creative acts to make the moment as intimate as possible.

Overall, relationships with ENFJs are intense, fun, and full of emotion. They are dedicated to the relationship and are willing to work hard to make it work."
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