Hulk Smash, Hulk Cry, Hulk Wanna Go Straight Home To Bed!... Can Hulk Choose (D) All of the above???

Sep 19, 2006 16:36

Today has been a progressively yucky/scary day for me.

It's one of those days where right about now, I feel like I am, (not potentially, AM!).. Hulking Out.

I feel like I am so close to just losing it and like maybe shattering into a million brittle shards of dissapointed/mad/sad/yucky-feeling human-bits!


I just don't know what to do anymore, (sometimes. the part of me that demands honesty makes me qualify this as a temporary ((THANK GOD)) feeling).

You know when things just build up and build up and things that you could've handled just fine if that was the ONLY "problem"just seem so insurmountable in frustrating when they're compounded?! Yeah, well.. I do.....

Thank The Gods tomorrow's purportedly another day, cause lemme tell you, ONE of these is MORE than enough!


I gotta try to remember to just...

b r e a t h e . . .

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